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Mold Exposure

Updated: Jul 18, 2024

I am writing this because I have a very interesting case with a woman working in a dairy plant with mold exposure. Her

main symptom was hyperosmia which is a overwhelming sensitivity to smell, constant headaches and general feeling of unwell. At first I began her on a strict diet of no dairy, gluten or sugar. She temporarily got better but then symptoms returned. This then brought my mind to candida so we did a candida cleanse and she began to get better for a while. Symptoms returned, we thought briefly about a parasite cleanse and then I thought this is mold. She is now working with a naturopath and myself to clear her body of mold. Acupuncture is great for supporting the immune system and clearing inflammation from the toxicity of the mold.

Not everyone is allergic to mold but many people are very sensitive to it and the most common problems they suffer from are allergies, asthma, and sinusitis, all of which are the result of inhaling the spores. Mold can also be ingested in food, resulting in chronic digestive problem, and can affect the skin resulting in uncomfortable rashes. Long term exposure to mold can affect the immune system and cause autoimmune reactions.

Symptoms of mold exposure:

  • Coughing

  • Postnasal drip

  • Sneezing

  • Dry, scaly skin

  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat

  • Nasal congestion

Mold can be prevented in the early phases:

- Clean hard surfaces, such as wood or concrete, by scrubbing the area with diluted detergent and hot water. Rinse, and then sanitize with a solution of 1/4 unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per 4L of water. Don't skip the first step and use a disinfectant instead as disinfectants are only effective on previously cleaned surfaces. (Never mix bleach with ammonia or other cleaners.)

- Dryness is the enemy of mold, so air things out! Use a fan or a dehumidifier if possible.

- Cut out carpet or sheetrock that isn't drying out or smells moldy. Same goes for papers, books and fabrics.

- Wear a mask and gloves so that you don't inhale spores and to protect yourself from chemicals in the cleaning products.

Self-Help Tips:

  1. The Chinese herb Xin Yi Hua (Magnolia Flower) has an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effect on the sinuses. It is a formula I carry in the clinic which we tailor to your individual needs. Specific formulas for cough and asthma can be helpful as well if those symptoms present.

  2. Cinnamon has a strong antifungal property. You can add it to your food, breathe it in as an essential oil, or use it in tincture form as a medicinal herb.

  3. Acupuncture can reduce inflammation in the sinuses or bronchial passages and can help the bodies immune system respond to the assault.

  4. Breathing in an infusion of essential oils in hot water can have an antimicrobial effect. I suggest filling a bowl with hot water and adding some of the following essential oils - tea tree, cloves, rosemary, orange, and cinnamon. Lean over the bowl with a towel draped over your head to contain the steam and inhale the steam as this will have an anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal effect on the lungs and nasal passage.

  5. Avoid foods that contribute to dampness in your body like dairy product, sweets, gluten and fatty foods.

  6. Avoid foods that contain fungi such as alcohol, mushrooms, bread and vinegar.

  7. Make pear sauce with cinnamon and my Nourish Pear Tea. Pears are very nourishing for the lungs, this will be super soothing and help reduce inflammation from coughing.

I hope this helps, please reach out if you have any other questions.


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